Tuesday, December 26, 2006


THE ALPHABET SYSTEMThe Alphabet system is another Peg system similar in construc-tion to the Number-Shape and Number-Sound systems; butinstead ofusing numbers, it uses the 26 letters ofthe alphabet.Its advantage is that it enables you to remember 26 objects,its only disadvantage being that most people find it hard to reeloff the alphabet in reverse order, or to know immediately thenumber order of a given letter in the alphabet.As with the two number systems, I suggest you first con-struct your own list, then compare it with alternative sugges-tions, and finally select your own list to be entered in thememory box.The method ofconstructing your Alphabet memory systemis as follows: Select a word that starts with the actual sound ofthe letter, is visually outstanding, and comes first in thedictionary.For example, for the letter 'L' it would be possible to useelastic, elegy, elephant, elbow, and elm, etc. If you werelooking up these words in the dictionary, the first one youwould come to would be elastic, and that is therefore the wordyou would choose.The reason for this rule is that ifyou should ever forget youralphabet word, you can mentally flick through the letters inorder, rapidly arriving at the correct word. In the examplegiven, ifyou had forgotten your word, you would try el'a' andwould immediately be able to recall your first word—elastic!Another rule in the construction of the Alphabet memorysystem is that if the letter itself makes a word (for example 'I'makes 'eye') then that word should be used. In some cases it ispossible to use meaningful initials instead of complete words,for example D.D.T.I have listed the letters ofthe alphabet. Paying close atten-tion to the rules for constructing the system, pencil in yourown Alphabet system words.Letter Alphabet memory wordABCD..................EFGHIJKLMNOPQR.STUVWXYZ
I hope that wasn't too tiring! Many people have difficulty inconstructing an Alphabet memory system, because they tendto be far more visual- than sound-oriented.Before considering the alternative suggestions, therefore, itmight be wise to re-check your own Alphabet memory words,making sure you have started your words with the sound oftheletter or letter word and not simply the letter itself. Forexample 'ant', 'bottle', 'case', 'dog', and 'eddy' would not becorrect memory words because they do not start with thesound of the letter as it is pronounced in the alphabet.Having re-checked your own words, now compare themwith the following list ofsuggestions, and when you have doneso select your final list and print it clearly in the Alphabetmemory system box. As before cross out your own list and thelist of suggestions when you have finished with them.A Ace,—those of you with knowledge ofAmericanhistory might use Abe.B Bee—the letter makes a word; this is the wordthat should be used.C See—the same rule applies.D Deed (legal)—the initials D.D.T. may be preferable.E EaselFEffigyG Jeep, or gee-gee!H H-bombIEyeJJay—a gaily coloured member ofthe crow family.K CageL Elastic, or elbow ifyou pronounce elastic with along 'e'.M EmberN EnamelO OboePPea—first alphabetically!Q QueueR ArchSEskimoTTea—or perhaps T-square.U U-boat—'you' is too vagueV Vehicle, or the initials V.D.W Wolf—the sound here is difficult; the initials W.Gcan be used instead.X X-rayY WifeZZebra, or Z-car!Now make your final choices and enter them in the memorybox.Letter Final Alphabet memory wordAB...............C....DEFGH.................IJ..................KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZYour practice with the Alphabet system should be similar toyour practice with previous smaller systems.The end of this chapter marks the end of your learning theintroductory and basic Peg and Link systems. From now on,apart from a brief summary of these concepts in Chapter 7,you will be learning more sophisticated and more expansivesystems that will enable you to remember lists of hundreds ofitems, as well as systems to help you remember faces, numbersetc.The next chapter but one deals with an exciting newsystem which has never been published or widely used,although it has been carefully tested.

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